Covid-19 Plan
Cheder Menachem Camp
As part of the continued operation of the Cheder Menachem Yeshivas Kayitz summer program and commitment to the safety of our community, the following protocols and safety guidelines are being implemented:
These guidelines may be updated as needed.
Arrival and Departure:
Daily health check for home screening to be completed at home through Google Forms
Carpool drop-off in the yard so students enter directly into the building without congregating.
Temperature checks upon entry
Children social distance upon entry of the building
Hand sanitizing upon entry
Dedicated exit from a particular doorway to the yard. A separate dedicated entryway from the yard into the building has also been designated. Entrance and exit will be marked with arrows.
Carpool dismissal from the classrooms into the yard, where the cars will be waiting.
To avoid parents or siblings congregating at carpool time outside of the Cheder exit door, all Carpools must come through the carpool line into the Cheder yard for pickup. If you want your child/ren walking home (Pico area families) a request must be made for a walking pass. Children with a walking pass will be allowed to walk out of the front door of the building. (Note: receiving a pass in order to have your child/ren meet you a few blocks away is simply not safe).
Increased Sanitation:
Hand sanitizers placed in every room
Students will be instructed in good hygiene and hand sanitizing techniques. Extra time will be given to allow for hand sanitizing.
Increased cleaning staff
Increased sanitizing of frequently used spaces using EPA approved sanitizing materials.
Social Distancing, PPE, and Infection Mitigation:
Smaller class sizes with distancing between desks; in cases where desks are in closer proximity due to limitd space, physical barriers are in place to safely separate individuals
Personnel with face shields as well as protective dividers on their desk
Students must wear masks upon entering and exiting the premises. Face masks are required at all times indoors when not seated at their seat with either appropriate distancing or near a physical barrier. Face masks will be provided to students who need one.
Staggered recess with yard-restrictions for each group to prevent mingling of cohorts
No play structure, except for Pre-1A group
Drinking fountains closed, water bottle refill stations remain open
No food provided or distributed.
Children will be discouraged from any sharing of food or items.
All non-essential visitors (including parents or siblings) are restricted from entering the premises beyond the front lobby. Essential visitors will only be allowed to enter after having their temperature taken, answer the health screening questions and sanitize their hands before entry past the main lobby.
No assemblies or morning lineup
Infection Control:
Should a child present with fever of 100.4 or higher at any point during the day, or present other Covid like symptoms the child will be asked by our dedicated Covid safety coordinators Ms. Chana Vogel and/or Mrs. Chavi Vishedsky, to wait in a dedicated infirmary room until a parent comes to pick them up. Parents should consult Medical Provider for further guidance
Sick staff members and children (non COVID-19 related, determined by a medical professional) may not return until they have met CDC criteria to discontinue home isolation, including 24 hours with no fever.
If C’V a child or staff member tested positive for COVID-19 they can only return and be around others after:
10 days since symptoms first appeared and
24 hours with no fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and
Other symptoms* of COVID-19 are improving.
Anyone who has had close contact with someone with COVID-19 should stay home for 14 days after their last exposure to that person.
*Per CDC guidelines (8/2020), symptoms consistent with possible COVID-19 infection in children include: fever ≥ 100.4○F; sore throat; new uncontrolled cough causing difficulty breathing (for children with chronic allergic/asthmatic cough, a change in baseline cough); diarrhea/vomiting/ abdominal pain; new onset of severe headache especially with fever.